VLS Waste Solutions
P.O. Box 1615 Conway, Arkansas 72033
(501) 697-5204


Just as our motto states, VLS Waste Solutions gets it done on time, every time. As a valet trash service provider we work with residents in multi-family homes to deliver timely trash pick-up services right from your doorstep. That way, you can save yourself a trip to the dumpster. Each week, our valets will arrive at a scheduled time to collect trash and recycled items. All we ask is that you leave your trash out between 6-8 pm. Pick-up services begin by 8 pm.

Best of all? It doesn't matter if you're 5 floors up or 5 floors down, we'll come right to your door to take care of your trash and recycling needs.

Doorstep Trash Collection

The Trash Valet takes your waste from your door to an on-site container.

A Time-Saving Service

Studies show that 79% of residents are looking for time-saving amenities.

Guaranteed Schedule

We guarantee in writing your scheduled days and pick-up times.

Increased Resident Retention and Occupancy

Residents enjoy the amenity and the clean community environment.

No Trash Out During Leasing Hours

Pickup hours are scheduled after leasing hours to maintain a professional appearance.

Uniformed Personnel On-site

Our background-checked personnel provide extra security.

#1 Voted Amenity

Recent studies show that residents vote this amenity over other residential conveniences.

Dumpster Areas Cleaned Nightly

They are also pressure-washed as need to increase curb appeal.

Residents place their trash in a leak-proof container provided by the Trash Valet.

Container is placed outside the door at designated hours.

Uniformed Trash Valet personnel collect the trash and deposit it in the on-site trash containers.

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